How to Perform Analysis to Maximize SEO Performance


Many people think SEO is just a job done once during the lifetime of the website.

Not like that.

SEO is an ongoing process. A website owner should constantly observe their performance on their site while making efforts to maximize SEO.

But we are currently in blind condition.

To be able to do the optimization, you have to know what's happening on your site ...

... As the numbers appear, is there an increase or decrease in performance.

Without knowing the relevant number, we will not know what needs to be improved and what is good.

Therefore, follow these guidelines so you can always get the maximum SEO performance.

Things you should already know (and do):

Because valuation is the last process in SEO, we recommend you do this first:

  1. On-page SEO: Optimizing website pages
  2. Off-page SEO: Build links and popularity
  3. The principle of content marketing in SEO

After that, you are ready for the first step.

Integrate Search Console and Google Analytics

Although many people say the two tools are not mandatory,  for a serious SEO practitioner you should both use.

Click here for how to install Google Analytics.

Once installed, go to Search Console and add your site.

Nothing will happen in no time. Both of these tools take several days after they are installed because they only collect data.

Data will be used to further optimize.

If your website has a sitemap in format .xml, submit it to Search Console now to make it easier for Google to read your site. 

Perform crawling with the tool

Crawling is a process done by search engines to crawl website pages while collecting information.

We will replicate this process.

The goal is to find out the big picture of your site .. is there any error, is there any broken links, internal duplicates, and empty meta tags.

Use one of these three tools:
  1. ScreamingFrog SEO Spider
  2. WildShark SEO Spider
  3. BeamUsUp SEO Crawling Software

ScreamingFrog is the most complete feature, but the free version can only scan 500 pages at a time. While the premium version is $ 99 per year.

Two other alternatives are equivalent but 100% free.

Go to one of the links above and download the software, then do a scan and fix what went wrong.

Some improvement process with ScreamingFrog is discussed in this SEO technique guide. Since all three look similar, you can apply this guide to any tool.

Research more keywords

In this series of SEO guide has been discussed briefly related to keyword research that will be used in:

  1. Title
  2. Meta description
  3. Content

But if you intend to make search engines your primary source of traffic, do some keyword research again.

Content performance analysis

80% (or more) pages on your site are content. So the SEO content effect is at least 80% of the overall thing you do.

People love to get content that is satisfactory so search engines will rank well for content that is satisfactory.

Complete ...

The final chapter in this SEO guide is quite short because each step in assessing SEO performance has been specifically discussed in each guide.

If you follow this guide from scratch, now you have mastered the basics of SEO.

All you need to do after this is apply the knowledge you've learned, then as you get the data continuously to the performance analysis as above.

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