What is Search Engine Optimization?

If you've ever searched a site on Google, Yahoo !, Bing, or other search engines, you'll see a list of sites relevant to your search.

Search engines sort the search results rather than randomly, but based on the relevance and quality of the website.

There are many factors used by search engines to know both factors. This is what lags behind SEO.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is an effort to optimize the website for search engines in order to get a better ranking in search results.

Search engines use certain algorithms to sort sites by rank.

By practicing SEO, it means that we customize our website to be friendly with the algorithm.

Why is SEO important for websites?

seo and web
Since the existence of a search engine like Google, almost everyone is searching for information online through search engines.

From data published by Google, the website ranks first until all three get a cumulative total click of more than 50%.

The first rank itself gets over 20%.

It shows how important SEO is to your site, with the help of SEO you can get thousands to tens of thousands of visitors per day.

Moreover, visitors from search engines are people who are hungry for information and want to buy products. If you have an online business, visitors from search engines will have the greatest conversion rate.

SEO is a part of inbound marketing that is modern marketing techniques in the digital age.

Inbound marketing, including SEO, is the cheapest marketing method compared to traditional marketing techniques. 

The basic concept of SEO

Google (and other search engines) are products. They want others to be satisfied with their services.

Users want the best website relevant to the search to appear on the first page. That's why search engines always want to display the best results for each keyword a user enters.

So the essence of SEO is to make your website to be the best for the keywords you want.

Okay .. so the best But in what terms?

  1. Content is presented
  2. Structure and navigation
  3. User satisfaction (User Experience / UX)
  4. Popularity

In this series of SEO guides, we will learn how you can be the best of your rivals.

Can my website succeed without SEO?


By considering the basic concepts of SEO above, in fact you do not have to worry about SEO thinking. Not infrequently people who have a popular website without understanding SEO.

This is because search engines are now smart in assuming page structure and website quality.

SEO today is in practice more dominant as a marketing venture than a technical one.


It may be that your site still needs a little effort from you to be successful. Also by knowing SEO techniques you understand how to create a successful website.

Can I do my own SEO?

There are many people or companies that offer SEO services, but actually you can do your own SEO without using the service.

With various SEO guides provided free on the internet (including this guide), you can learn to teach yourself and apply it yourself.

You can save millions of dollars by doing your own optimization.

For information sites that are simple structure, chances are you do not need to use SEO services and just rely on this guide.

But if your site has complicated structures like online stores or web apps, it's possible that you'll need an SEO service to simplify the structure to be friendly with search engines.

What should I learn?

There are several key components in SEO, this component that will determine how well your website is SEO. These components determine the order of rankings in search engine results.

In short, here's what you need to learn to master SEO.

  1. Optimize website pages
  2. Keyword research
  3. Analyze the competition
  4. Create optimized content
  5. Build popularity, links, and reputation
  6. Conduct an audit of SEO performance

These six core can you learn through the next discussion topic.

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