Online Business Learning: A Successful Guide to Starting an Online Business from Beginning to End


Online business is getting hotter, people say.

But the facts rarely really know the principle ...

... if we look for information on Google about how to start an online business, 90% we meet exactly the website that offers paid membership.

Then we are asked to recruit others.

Some kind of MLM, but online.

It is not a business, we are played by others to give money and work for them.

Now I will open your eyes.

I am really going to teach a real online business.

Therefore, after reading this set of guides, you will understand the step by step you need to do to start your first online business.

Let's start.

Understand the principles of online business

What I want to emphasize: online business is the same as offline business.

The principle is the same ...

... provide products/services, then make others come to us.

It works the same way.

Therefore, do not feel this is a foreign science.

Be careful too if anyone offers a magical business that generates hundreds of millions of dollars in an instant ... usually a scam.

If offline is not possible, online is also impossible.

There is only one thing that distinguishes offline business online:

If we are offline we open stores, offices, restaurants, stalls, and the like. As for running an online business, we create a website.

Products/services sold can also be different ...

... if the offline business is generally a physical product. While in the online business we can also sell digital products, in the form of files on computers without physical form.

Choose online or offline? This is his consideration

So you already understand the similarities and some that distinguish.

That's not all.

Although the process is the same, because the media is different then, of course, there are some considerations before starting.

Not everyone fits into online business ...

... can after reading the following you will prefer to run offline business only.

Easy to run an online business:
  • The system runs automatically when awakened
  • Market potential is greater than offline
  • This can start with a lower effort and cost
  • Not bound by time and place
  • Compared to offline business with the exact same model, its revenue is relatively larger 

Here's not really a shortage of online business, but the thing that usually makes people disappointed with an online business:
  • The process is the same with offline businesses: creating, marketing, and selling products
  • Although it does not matter to you internet & computer hobby,  you really do not understand it might be a bit problematic
  • Many are too quick to give up (because they want instant income)
  • You still need serious work, online business is not a miracle that can make money while sleeping
  • Not passive income

From now on you will hear many foreign terms.

Not difficult, but unfortunately I often meet people who have not been willing to give up because they do not understand the language.

If you want to succeed in online business, do not immediately give up when hearing words/phrases that are difficult to understand. Search on Google to understand its meaning.

Some popular online business models

There are 5 types of business models most often run online.

Of course these five models are not all, but usually, another online business model is a derivative or branch of one of them.

Now we will discuss one by one.

... so you will not get confused when you get into the main material.

In addition to explanations for each type, I will also discuss whether the model is right for you or not.

Let's start.

Online Business Guide Topics

Just like offline, online business is not just one type. There are several branches or paths that you can take.
Here are some free guides you can learn: 

Please continue reading down first if you want to understand more about the principles of online business. 

CPA Marketing


CPA marketing is a business model underestimated. Not much to do, but its potential is huge. Read this guide for contacts with CPA marketing.

Create Blog


Blogs are not business, but blogs are the best foundation for those of you who do not know what business to run. All businesses can start from a blog.

Sell Online


Everyone already knows this one. Selling your product / service is indeed the most popular business model. Learn how to sell online here.

Digital Products

Digital products are the easiest kind of product to make. No need to cost, it does not take much time.

I suggest you to choose one only, then read through to finish. This is because each guide on the content is long enough to make it difficult to complete everything at once.

Confused to choose? Continue reading this article.

1. Sales of products/services online

This is the easiest, everyone must have understood.

The difference with the offline business, you will sell products/services through the website. Can be from your own website, social media, or online market.

Because this is clear, I will not talk at length.

This business model is suitable for you who:

  • Already know the products/services to be sold
  • Already have an offline business, wanting to "widen" into the online world
  • Do not have big capital or capital at all
  • Need direct income

2. Become an ad publisher

Ever wonder why, on the internet many blogs and websites that provide information for free?

Because they advertise.

There is one of the largest ad networks, owned by Google, under the name AdSense. It is often used by website owners.

The process looks like this:

First of all, we create a website that provides information or as a container community, then we invite others to come to the website.

Once the website is popular, we sign up for Google AdSense.

If accepted then we get the code that can be copied-taped to the website.

After that, ads will appear automatically.

Every time a visitor clicks on an ad we post, we earn a commission. The commissions vary between $ 0.01 to $ 5 (even more) per click.

This business model is suitable for you who:

  • Want semi-passive income
  • Want to run a potentially large side business
  • Likes to write
  • Does not require quick earnings

The most commonly used site type is a blog ...

So to be a successful publisher, you have to love to write.

3. Create a subscription service

This business model can be in various forms, the similarity is in the payment system: a subscription.

So, customers pay a monthly or annual routine.

Here are some examples:

  • Blogs with premium content
  • Forums with paid membership
  • Software/apps paid
  • Course, consultation, subscription service
  • Digital magazine
  • Product subscriptions

This subscription service business model will be more popular in the future. Even today's software-based businesses/apps almost all have a subscription system.

This business model is suitable for you who:

  • Own or can make your own product, or ...
  • can provide the added value of existing products
  • Need direct fixed income 

 4. Referral / CPA / Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a business model where we promote other people's products, then we get a commission every time it sold.

Often also called referral marketing or CPA marketing.

In addition to advertising, this is the most popular among bloggers.

The reason is that their (far) income is higher than advertising and they do not have to worry about making the product.

This online business model is suitable for you who:

  • Want semi-passive income
  • Not in need of fast money
  • Do not have big capital to start

Most people who start doing affiliate marketing usually rely on blogs, so learn how to create and develop blogs.

5. Build Startup

Startup? What is that?

This is the meaning:

"Startup is a newly built business with a completely new model and work process, not mimicking any business that has ever existed before.

The shape is new ... never existed.

So, for example, you start a business in the form of an online store that sells a suit, it is not a startup. Because the model is common.

But if you make the app to book Moto Taxi, (taxi Online as in France) from a smartphone, it's a startup. Moto Taxi.

I can not explain much more about a startup because the concept is like the notion: different.

Clearly, the current startup industry is warm. Each week there are dozens of a digital startup that appears.

This business model is suitable for you who:

  • Likes to innovate and accept new challenges
  • Want to make something big, even change the world

Although startup, in general, can be started without capital and not directly earning income,  you will need investors who want to fund.

These are the 5 most popular online business models today. 

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