Keyword Research Analysis and Competition


What is keyword research and what is meant by competition analysis?

Users search on search engines using keywords or keywords, and the machine will produce results that match the keywords.

With the help of tools from Google, we can research to get popular keywords or low competition.

The importance of keyword research.

At the beginning of my career as a blogger, because I did not understand about keyword research I made an article with a topic that no search. I wonder when the article is ranked 1 Google search results but why not get traffic?

It was not until I learned about keyword research, I realized that the keywords I was looking for were not searched.

So, keyword research is important so we do not tired of making articles and finally, no one read it.

So what is competition analysis?

For a new blog or website whose SEO foundation is not strong yet, there are times when we need to target low keywords in the competition so we can still appear on the first page.

This topic is just an introduction to keyword research and its relationship to SEO, if you want to discuss more about this topic, please go to the specific guide for keyword research.

Research keywords with Google Keyword Planner.

My favorite tool for doing keyword research is GKP or Google Keyword Planner. The reason, because the feature is free and complete. In addition, because Google itself is certainly more accurate.

Keyword Research Analysis and Competition

To do keyword research is easy:
  1. Enter a keyword, you can enter more than one. To enter more than one keyword use a comma or line break
  2. Set country target
  3. select a language
  4. Click 'get ideas' 

Then you will be directed to the following page:

Keyword Research Analysis and Competition


From here we can see that there are 10K-100K people who are looking for keywords to buy a laptop in a month. On the other hand, if I replace with "selling laptop" is the result of 1K-10K, this means looking for more laptops than buying a laptop.

By leveraging our knowledge of on-page SEO from previous chapters, we can optimize our site pages by using keywords that sell laptops rather than buying laptops.

This is the basic essence of keyword research.

Search for keywords with low competition

In doing keyword research, usually we as the new site owner eyeing low competition. This is because the new sites do not usually have a strong "foundation" that will lose if competing with large sites.

Long tail keywords

One more thing you need to know about keyword research is the long tail keywords or long-tailed keywords.

In addition to the keywords you're looking for, GKP also shows the search count of similar keywords. For example from the picture above, in addition to the new laptop keywords, there are also others such as selling laptop online, secondhand laptops, used laptops for sale, and others.

Finally, if your website is an online store (e-commerce) or monetized with an affiliate product, long tail keywords usually provide a conversion rate that is larger than a regular keyword. This is because people who use long tail usually intend to buy it higher.

For example, people search for "new laptop" with "buy a new laptop". The first usually just want to find information, while the second look intent to buy.

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